Reefs are fractal. They display complex shapes at scales from millimeters to tens of meters that provide a myriad of niches for other animals and plants from microscopic diatoms to large sharks. Artificial reef designs have found it difficult to mimic this range of structural complexity… until now. The photographs below document the concept development for an artificial reef structure that is stable provides numerous internal voids, has a highly irregular external shape consisting of calcium carbonate rock, and is easily mass-produced. A half-scale test module (~1m diameter) in the water just off of Lanikai Beach, Oahu since 2016, displays natural recruitment of macro-algae, corals, and fish, and is indistinguishable from the surrounding natural reef.

Click on the photos to enlarge them
A 1+-meter diameter hole was excavated and lined with calcium carbonate reef rocks, each ~10cm in diameter. On 6/13/16 the void mold was inverted and inserted into the hole with all of the void arm tips touching the reef rocks lining the hole and the hole was filled with wet concrete (nine 50-lb bags).
This is a video of the reef taken in January 2022.